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Posts tagged “Sartan Beverages

Spartan Beverages: For the Warrior in You!

By Angie Quidim

Spartan Beverages

Manufactured by Spartan Beverage Company

Website: Spartan Drink Company

I was surfing the net in search for something cool to start the New Year off with and I found this line of protein flavored waters called Spartan Beverages.  There are 3 that I have tracked down so far and all have really cool names that are bold and daring.  The bottles are branded with a black and either red. blue or pink label. The down side is that the drinks are bitter tasting and have an artificial sweetener after taste.  Here is a break down of the flavors


846051spartanelitewhtbgThe bold and best flavor of the bunch.  The blackberry boost is enough to make your hair stand on end and your muscles quiver with anticipation.  With 160 calories packed into every gulp, this drink will give you the gusto you need to plow into your nearest battle and win.  It is a simple design with a simple logo.  







This beverage is also named the Guava Guardian. It’s bitter and the medicine taste is even stronger in this one.  Out of all the Spartan beverages, this one will put hair on your chest.  Guava has a bit of sweetness.  This one doesn’t  even come close.  It just is strong.  The black and metallic blue print on the label even yells strong.







Also known as Radiant Raspberry, this flavor is available in a sugar free variety for consumers.  The taste is a bit bitter with some artificial sweetener  aftertaste which makes this taste like medicine.  Even on ice this drink is a bit strong for my taste. The bottle is simple and bold with  black and pink text.  






So it’s good if you are expecting a medicine like taste to increase your protein intake and muscle mass.  Other than that it is a so so tasting beverage.  I wouldn’t be able to take its artificial taste everyday even though it brags natural flavor. That just happens to be my preference.  Chemically it is well put together.  If you can get over the taste then its a gem.